
32004L0018: c3-39.2

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EU Law

32004L0018 - Classic (3rd generation) Article 39.2
2. Provided that it has been requested in good time, additional information relating to the specifications and any supporting documents shall be supplied by the contracting authorities or competent departments not later than six days before the deadline fixed for the receipt of tenders.
32004L0017 - Utilities (3rd generation) Article 46.2
2. Provided that it has been requested in good time, additional information relating to the specifications shall be supplied by the contracting entities or competent departments not later than six days before the time limit fixed for the receipt of tenders.
31993L0037 - Works (2nd generation) Article 12.4+14.2
4. Provided it has been requested in good time, additional information relating to the contract documents shall be supplied by the contracting authorities not later than six days before the final date fixed for receipt of tenders.
2. Provided it has been requested in good time, additional information relating to the contract documents must be supplied by the contracting authorities not later than four days before the final date fixed for the receipt of tenders.
31993L0036 - Goods (2nd generation) Article 10.3+12.2
3. Provided it has been requested in good time, additional information relating to the contract documents shall be supplied by the contracting not later than six days before the final date fixed for receipt of tenders.
2. Provided it has been requested in good time, additional information relating to the contract documents must be supplied by the contracting authorities not less than four days before the final date fixed for the receipt of tenders.
31992L0050 - Services (2nd generation) Article 18.4 & 20.2
4. Provided that it has been requested in good time, additional information relating to the contract documents shall be supplied by the contracting authorities not later than six days before the final date fixed for receipt of tenders.
2. Provided it has been requested in good time, additional information relating to the contract documents must be supplied by the contracting authorities not later than four days before the final date fixed for the receipt of tenders.
31993L0038 - Utilities (2nd generation) Article 28.2
2. Provided that it has been requested in good time, additional information relating to the contract documents shall be supplied by the contracting entities not later than six days before the final date fixed for receipt of tenders.
31971L0305 - Works (1st generation) Article 13.2.s2 + 15.2
Provided it has been requested in good time, additional information relating to the contract documents shall be supplied by the authorities awarding contracts not later than six days before the final date fixed for receipt of tenders.
Provided it has been requested in good time, additional information relating to the contract documents must be supplied by the authorities awarding contracts not later than four days before the final date fixed for the receipt of tenders.
31989L0440 - Fourth amendment of Works (1st generation) Article 1.12=W1-13.4 + 15.2
4. Provided it has been requested in good time, additional information relating to the contract documents shall be supplied by the contracting authorities not later than six days before the final date fixed for receipt of tenders.

2. Provided it has been requested in good time, additional information relating to the contract documents must be supplied by the contracting authorities not later than four days before the final date fixed for the receipt of tenders.
31977L0062 - Goods (1st generation) Article 10.3 & 12.2
3. Provided it has been requested in good time, additional information relating to the contract documents must be supplied by the contracting authorities not later than six days before the final date fixed for receipt of tenders.
2. Provided it has been requested in good time, additional information relating to the contract documents must be supplied by the contracting authorities not less than four days before the final date fixed for the receipt of tenders.
31990L0531 - Utilities (1st generation) Article 22.2
2. Provided it has been requested in good time, additional information relating to the contract documents shall be supplied by the contracting entities not later than six days before the final date fixed for receipt of tenders.

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Ad påstand 2
    3. Tilbudslisten danner baggrund for tilbudsgivernes – helt legitime – overvejelser over, hvordan tilbudet skal udformes. Det er således ikke uden kendskab til tilbudslisten (»A-sortimentet«) muligt at vide, hvad de indklagede krævede leveret.
    4. Den anvendte fremgangsmåde har ikke hjemmel i Udbudsdirektivets artikel 39, stk. 2.
    5. Påstanden tages til følge.
    K2. Ad påstand 2 De indklagede har handlet i strid med i strid med Udbudsdirektivets artikel 2 og gennemsigtighedsprincippet samt artikel 38, stk. 2, og artikel 39, stk.1, ved først den 13. november 2007 at fremsende det tilbudsskema, som ifølge udbudsbetingelserne skulle anvendes ved afgivelsen af tilbud, idet tilbudsgiverne allerede den 12. november 2007 var bundet til priserne i deres respektive kataloger.
Køster Entreprise
13. Som erkendt af indklagede har indklagede i strid med Tjenesteydelsesdirektivets artikel 18, stk. 3 og 4, og det EU-udbudsretlige ligebehandlingsprincip og gennemsigtighedsprincip efter udløbet af fristen for afgivelse af tilbud ændret i udbudsbetingelserne. Påstanden tages derfor til følge.
    K4. Indklagede har handlet i strid med Tjenesteydelsesdirektivets artikel 18, stk. 3 og 4, og det EU-udbudsretlige ligebehandlingsprincip og gennemsigtighedsprincip ved efter udløbet af fristen for afgivelse af tilbud at have ændret i udbudsbetingelserne, idet indklagede nu tillige af tilbudsgiverne krævede dels levering af tv-inspektioner i programmet WIN CAN, dels oplysninger om supplerende referencer med angivelse af, om der var foretaget indmåling af brønde, samt hvilket programmel der var leveret i.
4U2-28.24. Det følger af Rådets direktiv nr. 93/38/EØF om fremgangsmåderne ved tilbudsgivning inden for vand og energiforsyning samt transport og telekommunikation artikel 28, stk. 2, at ordregivere, når en tilbudsgiver har anmodet om yderligere oplysninger om udbudsmaterialet, senest 6 dage før udløbet af fristen for modtagelse af tilbud, skal »sende« disse oplysninger til tilbudsgiveren. På baggrund heraf, og når det tillige tages i betragtning, at det i denne situation også påhviler ordregiveren at give de øvrige tilbudsgivere disse yderligere oplysninger, findes der at være en pligt for ordregiveren til at give tilbudsgiveren de ønskede yderligere oplysninger skriftligt. Klagenævnet træffer derfor afgørelse i overensstemmelse med klagerens påstand II,2.