
32004L0018: c3-38.3

Restricted, negotiated, competitive

EU Law Community DK Law EU Cases DK Cases

EU Law

32004L0018 - Classic (3rd generation) Article 38.3
3. In the case of restricted procedures, negotiated procedures with publication of a contract notice referred to in Article 30 and the competitive dialogue:
    (a) the minimum time limit for receipt of requests to participate shall be 37 days from the date on which the contract notice is sent;
    (b) in the case of restricted procedures, the minimum time limit for the receipt of tenders shall be 40 days from the date on which the invitation is sent.
32004L0017 - Utilities (3rd generation) Article 45.3
3. In restricted procedures and in negotiated procedures with a prior call for competition, the following arrangements shall apply:
    (a) the time limit for the receipt of requests to participate, in response to a notice published under Article 42(1)(c), or in response to an invitation by the contracting entities under Article 47(5), shall, as a general rule, be fixed at no less than 37 days from the date on which the notice or invitation was sent and may in no case be less than 22 days if the notice is sent for publication by means other than electronic means or fax, and at no less than 15 days if the notice is transmitted by such means;
    (b) the time limit for the receipt of tenders may be set by mutual agreement between the contracting entity and the selected candidates, provided that all candidates have the same time to prepare and submit their tenders;
    (c) where it is not possible to reach agreement on the time limit for the receipt of tenders, the contracting entity shall fix a time limit which shall, as a general rule, be at least 24 days and shall in no case be less than 10 days from the date of the invitation to tender.
31993L0037 - Works (2nd generation) Article 13.1+3
Article 13
    1. In restricted procedures and negotiated procedures as described in Article 7 (2), the time limit for receipt of requests to participate fixed by the contracting authorities shall be not less than 37 days from the date dispatch of the notice.
3. In restricted procedures, the time limit for receipt of tenders fixed by the contracting authorities may not be less than 40 days from the date of dispatch of the written invitation.
31993L0036 - Goods (2nd generation) Article 11.1+3
Article 11
    1. In restricted procedures and negotiated procedures as described in Article 6 (2), the time limit for receipt of requests to participate fixed by the contracting authorities shall not be less than 37 days from the date of dispatch of the notice.
3. In restricted procedures, the time limit receipt of tenders fixed by the contracting authorities may not be less than 40 days from the date of dispatch of the written invitation.
31992L0050 - Services (2nd generation) Article 19.1+3
Article 19
    1. In restricted procedures and negotiated procedures within the meaning of Article 11 (2), the time limit for receipt of requests to participate fixed by the contracting authorities shall be not less than 37 days from the date of dispatch of the notice.
3. In restricted procedures, the time limit for receipt of tenders fixed by the contracting authorities may not be less than forty days from the date of dispatch of the written invitation.
31993L0038 - Utilities (2nd generation) Article 26.2
2. In restricted procedures and in negotiated procedures with a prior call for competition, the following arrangements shall apply:
    (a) the time limit for receipt of requests to participate, in response to a notice published in accordance with Article 21 (1) (a) or in response to an invitation from a contracting entity in accordance with Artice 21 (2) (c), shall, as a general rule, be at least five weeks from the date of dispatch of the notice or invitation and shall in any case not be less than the time limit for publication laid down in Article 25 (3), plus 10 days;
    (b) the time limit for receipt of tenders may be fixed by mutual agreement between the contracting entity and the selected candidates, provided that all tenderers are given equal time to prepare and submit tenders;
    (c) where it is not possible to reach agreement on the time limit for the receipt of tenders, the contracting entity shall fix a time limit which shall, as a general rule, be at least three weeks and shall in any case not be less than 10 days from the date of the invitation to tender; the time allowed shall be sufficiently long to take account in particular of the factors mentioned in Article 28 (3).
31998L0004 - Amendment of Utilities (2nd generation) Article 1.6=U26.2
2. In restricted procedures and in negotiated procedures with a prior call for competition, the following shall apply:
    (a) the time limit for receipt of requests to participate, in response to a notice published in accordance with Article 21(1)(a) or in response to an invitation from a contracting entity in accordance with Article 21(2)(c), shall, as a general rule, be at least 37 days from the date of dispatch of the notice or invitation and shall in any case not be less than the time limit for publication laid down in Article 25(3), plus 10 days;
    (b) the time limit for receipt of tenders may be fixed by mutual agreement between the contracting entity and the selected candidates, provided that all tenderers are given equal time to prepare and submit tenders;
    (c) where it is not possible to reach agreement on the time limit for the receipt of tenders, the contracting entity shall fix a time limit which shall, as a general rule, be at least 24 days and shall in any case not be less than 10 days from the date of the invitation to tender; the time allowed shall be sufficiently long to take account in particular of the factors mentioned in Article 28(3).`;
31971L0305 - Works (1st generation) Article 14.1+3.s1
Article 14
In restricted procedures, the time limit for receipt of requests to participate shall be fixed by the authorities awarding contracts at not less than twenty one days from the date of sending the notice.
The time limit for the receipt of tenders shall be fixed by the authorities awarding contracts at not less than twenty-one days from the date of sending the written invitation.
31977L0062 - Goods (1st generation) Article 11.1+3
Article 11
1. In restricted procedures, the time limit for receipt of requests to participate fixed by the contracting authorities shall be not less than 21 days from the date of dispatch of the notice.
3. The time limit for the receipt of tenders fixed by the contracting authorities shall be not less than 21 days from the date of dispatch of the written invitation.
31980L0767 - First amendment of Goods (1st generation) Article 6.2+4
2. In restricted procedures, the time limit for the receipt of applications to be invited to tender fixed by the contracting authorities shall be not less than 42 days from the date of dispatch of the notice to the bodies competent to publish such notice.
4. In restricted procedures, the time limit for the receipt of tenders fixed by the contracting authorities shall not be less than 30 days from the date of dispatch of the written invitation.
31988L0295 - Second amendment of Goods (1st generation) Article 11.1+3=G1-11.1+3 & & 19.p5=80/767-6
Article 11
Article 11 (1), (2) and (3) is replaced by the following:
1. In restricted procedures within the meaning of Article 1 (e) and negotiated procedures within the meaning of Article 1 (f) under the conditions laid down in Article 6 (3) the time limit for the receipt of requests to participate fixed by the contracting authorities shall not be less than 37 days from the date of dispatch of the notice.
3. In restricted procedures the time limit for receipt of offers fixed by the contracting authorities may not be less than 40 days from the date of dispatch of the written invitation.
Article 19
    Articles ..... and 6 of Directive 80/767/EEC are deleted.
31990L0531 - Utilities (1st generation) Article 20.2
2. In restricted procedures and in negotiated procedures with a prior call for competition, the following arrangements shall apply:
(a) the time limit for receipt of requests to participate, in response to a notice published in accordance with Article 16 (1) (a) or in response to an invitation from
a contracting entity in accordance with Article 16 (2) (c), shall, as a general rule, be at least five weeks from the date of dispatch of the notice and shall in any case not be less than the time limit for publication laid down in Article 19 (3) plus 10 days;
(b) the time limit for receipt of tenders may be fixed by mutual agreement between the contracting entity and the selected candidates, provided that all tenderers are given equal time to prepare and submit tenders;
(c) where it is not possible to reach agreement on the time limit for the receipt of tenders, the contracting entity shall fix a time limit which shall, as a general rule, be at least three weeks and shall in any case not be less than 10 days from the date of the invitation to tender; the time allowed shall be sufficiently long to take account in particular of the factors mentioned in Article 22 (3).

DK Law

Legislation concerning national procurement of works

DLB-1410/07 - First codification of Third law on National Procurement (NPL2C1)Article 6.2.1
Stk. 2 ..... I udbudsannoncen skal angives
    1) en frist på mindst 15 arbejdsdage til at anmelde interesse i at deltage,
DL-338/05 - Third law on National Procurement (NPL3)Article 6.2.1
Stk. 2 ..... I udbudsannoncen skal angives
    1) en frist på mindst 15 arbejdsdage til at anmelde interesse i at deltage,
DBK-758/01 - First order under second law on National Procurement (NPL2BK1)Article 7.1.s2
§ 7 ..... I udbudsannoncen skal angives en frist på mindst 15 arbejdsdage til at anmelde interesse i at deltage i licitationen.
DBK-595/02 - Second order under second law on National Procurement (NPL2BK2)Article 7.1.s2
§ 7 ..... I udbudsannoncen skal angives en frist på mindst 15 arbejdsdage til at anmelde interesse i at deltage i licitationen.

EU Cases

Case PteRefText
The Italian law does not contain the provisions referred to in articles 14, 15, 16 and 17 of the directive concerning the time-limit for the receipt of requests to participate, the form required for tenders and the compulsory indication of the time-limit for the completion of the works put out to tender.

DK Cases

Case PteRefText
15+K5NPL3-6.2.1Ad påstand 9
    15. Klagenævnet konstaterer, at indklagede offentliggjorde licitationsbekendtgørelsen med en frist på mindre en 15 arbejdsdage, hvorfor indklagede har handlet i strid med Tilbudslovens § 6, stk. 2, nr. 1. Klagenævnet tager derfor denne påstand til følge.
    Ad påstand 9 Indklagede har handlet i strid med Tilbudslovens § 6, stk. 2, nr. 1, ved at have offentliggjort licitationsbekendtgørelsen i Hedensted Avis den 19. april 2006, med en frist på mindre end 15 arbejdsdage til at anmelde interesse i at deltage.
8+K5NPL3-6.2.1Ad påstand 7
    8. Klagenævnet konstaterer, at indklagede offentliggjorde licitationsbekendtgørelsen med en frist på mindre en 15 arbejdsdage, hvorfor indklagede har handlet i strid med Tilbudslovens § 6, stk. 2, nr. 1. Klagenævnet tager derfor denne påstand til følge.
    K5. Ad påstand 7 Indklagede har handlet i strid med Tilbudslovens § 6, stk. 2, nr. 1, ved at have offentliggjort en licitationsbekendtgørelse i Hedensted Avis og andre aviser den 19. april 2006, med en frist på mindre end 15 arbejdsdage til at fremsende anmodning om prækvalifikation.
2. Klagenævnet har endvidere undersøgt, om udbudsbetingelserne er udformet på en sådan måde, at Renholdningsselskabet som tilbudsgiver under udbudet ville have en så fordelagtig stilling, at det vil indebære en tilsidesættelse af ligebehandlingsprincippet, hvis kommunen tager dette selskabs tilbud i betragtning. Klagenævnet har konstateret, at der i 3 afsnit i udbudsbetingelserne er valgt en uhensigtsmæssig formulering. Indklagede nåede imidlertid inden udløbet af fristen for at afgive tilbud til de prækvalificerede virksomheder at få udsendt et præciserende tillæg til udbudsbetingelserne, og der er efter indholdet i dette tillæg ikke grundlag for at antage, at udsendelsen af tillægget indebærer en overtrædelse af EU-udbudsreglerne, ligesom der heller ikke som følge af tidspunktet for udsendelsen af tillægget er sket en overtrædelse af EU-udbudsreglerne, jf. herved Tjenesteydelsesdirektivets artikel 19, stk. 3.