
32004L0018: c3-35.4.1

Award - public contract, framework agreement

EU Law Community DK Law EU Cases DK Cases

EU Law

32004L0018 - Classic (3rd generation) Article 35.4.1
4. Contracting authorities which have awarded a public contract or concluded a framework agreement shall send a notice of the results of the award procedure no later than 48 days after the award of the contract or the conclusion of the framework agreement.
32004L0017 - Utilities (3rd generation) Article 43.1.1
Article 43
    Contract award notices
    1. Contracting entities which have awarded a contract or a framework agreement shall, within two months of the award of the contract or framework agreement, send a contract award notice as referred to in Annex XVI under conditions to be laid down by the Commission in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 68(2).
32005R1564 - Second joint amendment of Classic and Utilities (3rd generation) Article 1=U43 + 2=C35
Article 1
    Contracting entities shall, from the date of entry into force of the respective national measures transposing Directive 2004/17/EC and from 1 February 2006 at the latest, use, for the publication in the Official Journal of the European Union of the notices referred to in Articles 41 to 44 and 63 of that Directive, the standard forms set out in Annexes IV to IX, XII and XIII to this Regulation.
Article 2
    Contracting authorities shall, from the date of entry into force of respective national measures transposing Directive 2004/18/EC and from 1 February 2006 at the latest, use, for the publication in the Official Journal of the European Union of the notices referred to in Articles 35, 36, 58, 64, 69 and 70 of that Directive, the standard forms set out in Annexes I, II, III and VIII to XIII to this Regulation.
31993L0037 - Works (2nd generation) Article 11.5.s1 & 11.7.3
5. Contracting authorities who have awarded a contract shall make known the result by means of a notice.
The notice referred to in paragraph 5 shall be sent at the latest 48 days after the award of the contract in question.
31993L0036 - Goods (2nd generation) Article 9.3.s1
3. Contracting authorities who have awarded a contract shall make known the result by means of a notice.
31992L0050 - Services (2nd generation) Article 16.1 & 16.2.i1
Article 16
    1. Contracting authorities who have awarded a public contract or have held a design contest shall send a notice of the results of the results of the award procedure to the Office for Official Publication of the European Communities.
    2. The notices shall be published:
- in the case of public contracts for services listed in Annex I A, in accordance with Articles 17 to 20,
31993L0038 - Utilities (2nd generation) Article 24.1
Article 24
    1. Contracting entities which have awarded a contract or organized a design contest shall communicate to the Commission, within two months of the award of the contract and under conditions to be laid down by the Commission in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 40, the results of the awarding procedure by means of a notice drawn up in accordance with Annex XV or Annex XVIII.
31989L0440 - Fourth amendment of Works (1st generation) Article 1.12=W1-12.5.s1 + 12.6.b
5. Contracting authorities who have awarded a contract shall make known the result by means of a notice.

(b) the notice referred to in paragraph 5 shall be sent at the latest 48 days after the award of the contract in question.
31988L0295 - Second amendment of Goods (1st generation) Article 9.3.s1=G1-9.3.s1 & 9.4.b=G1-9.4.b
3. Contracting authorities who have awarded a contract shall make known the result by means of a notice.
(b) the notice referred to in paragraph 3 shall be sent at the latest 48 days after the award of the contract in question.
31990L0531 - Utilities (1st generation) Article 18.1
Article 18
1. Contracting entities which have awarded a contract shall communicate to the Commission, within two months of the award of the contract and under conditions to be laid down by the Commission in accordance with the procedure laid down in
Article 32, the results of the awarding procedure by means of a notice drawn up in accordance with Annex XV.

EU Cases

Case PteRefText
18 À l’appui de son recours, la Commission fait valoir, comme grief unique, que les marchés en question auraient dû faire l’objet d’un appel d’offres dans le Journal officiel des Communautés européennes conformément aux articles 8, 15, paragraphe 2, et 16, paragraphe 1, de la directive 92/50.
    19 Le gouvernement allemand admet que les pouvoirs adjudicateurs en question auraient dû passer un appel d’offres pour leurs marchés de services dans le Journal officiel des Communautés européennes et qu’il n’a pas été procédé à cette publication.
    20 Dès lors le recours introduit par la Commission est fondé. 21 Eu égard à ce qui précède, il convient de constater que, du fait que les contrats d’enlèvement d’ordures conclus par les villes de Lüdinghausen et d’Olfen ainsi que par les communes de Nordkirchen, de Senden et de Ascheberg ont été passés au mépris des règles de publicité prévues par les dispositions combinées des articles 8, 15, paragraphe 2, et 16, paragraphe 1, de la directive 92/50, la République fédérale d’Allemagne a manqué aux obligations qui lui incombent en vertu de cette directive.
Adviesbureau Ehcon
81. Similarly, if it were to be understood that what the applicant is in fact claiming is that the costs incurred in obtaining sufficient evidence were caused by the Commission's alleged unlawful failure to send a notice concerning the outcome of the tendering procedure to the Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, under Articles 16, 17(2) et seq. of Directive 92/50, the fact remains that the applicant does not show in what respect sending the notice to the Publications Office would have saved it from incurring the costs in question.
    82. Furthermore, as has already been stated, the applicant was under no obligation to acquire the tender submitted by EDC in order properly to bring an action for compensation before the Court of First Instance.
93 The French Government admits, first, that the Nord-Pas-de-Calais Region did not publish award notices in accordance with Articles 11(5) of Directive 93/37 and 12(5) of Directive 71/305 and, second, that the written reports on the procedures in question were not sent to the Commission in accordance with Article 8(3) of Directive 93/37. It adds that that failure can only be explained by the inexperience of those contracting authorities in applying the Community rules on the award of public contracts.
    94 Therefore, it must be concluded that the complaints relating to the procedure of information on contract awards and the failure to communicate the written reports are well founded and that the French Republic has failed in its obligations under Article 12(5) of Directive 71/305 and Articles 8(3) and 11(5) of Directive 93/37.
87 The Commission complains that the French authorities failed to notify it of the outcome of the tendering procedure for the electrification contracts, including those for which a contract notice was published in the OJEC, which prevented the publication in the OJEC of notices of the award of those contracts, in breach of the obligations deriving from Article 24 of the Directive.
    88 The French Government admits the failure to fulfil its obligations complained of as regards the six contracts for which a notice was published in the OJEC. As regards the other contracts, it reiterates its argument that, in the absence of technical or geographical splitting, the Directive was not applicable to those contracts.
    89 It must be observed that Article 24(1) of the Directive requires contracting entities which have awarded a contract to communicate to the Commission the results of the awarding procedure by means of a notice. Article 24(2) sets out the information to be published in the OJEC.
    90 In the present case it is common ground that the French authorities did not communicate to the Commission the results of the 18 tendering procedures for the electrification contracts to which the Directive was applicable. 91 Accordingly, it must be held that the French Republic failed to fulfil its obligations under Article 24(1) and (2) of the Directive.

DK Cases

Case PteRefText
6+K1C3-35.4.1Påstand 2
    6. Indklagede har – som også erkendt af indklagede – overtrådt Udbudsdirektivet som anført i påstanden.
    Herefter bestemmes:
    K1. Påstand 2 Indklagede har handlet i strid med Udbudsdirektivets artikel 35, stk. 4, 1. afsnit, ved ikke senest 48 dage efter indgåelsen af den udbudte forsikringsmæglerkontrakt til Publikationskontoret at have fremsendt meddelelse om resultatet af udbudsproceduren, idet indklagede indgik kontrakt den 21. september 2006, men først den 3. oktober 2007 fremsendte bekendtgørelse om resultatet til Publikationskontoret.
Dansk Byggeri
1+K2S2-16.11. I overensstemmelse med indklagedes erkendelse konstaterer Klagenævnet, at indklagede har overtrådt Tjenesteydelsesdirektivet som angivet i disse påstande.
    K2. Indklagede har handlet i strid med Tjenesteydelsesdirektivets artikel 16, stk. 1, ved ikke at have sendt Kontoret for De Europæiske Fællesskabers Officielle Publikationer en meddelelse om kontraktsindgåelsen i henhold til udbudet.
Kommunernes Gensidige Forsikringsselskab
116.2.i11. Indledningsvis bemærkes, at indklagede har erkendt at have overskredet fristen i tjenesteydelsesdirektivets artikel 17, stk. 2, tredje led, [actually 16.2..i1] for offentliggørelse af aftalen med Kgl. Brand. Klageren har ikke påberåbt sig forholdet som grundlag for sin påstand, og Klagenævnet har ikke 6 of 7 06-10-01 15:25 Kdl. af 22/6 96: KgF mod VIBO og Assurandør Gruppen 1 fundet anledning til selvstændigt at tage skridt i denne anledning.