Table 1
Table 2
Table 3
Table 4
Table 5
Table 6
Table 7
Table 8
Table 9
Table 10
Table 11
Table 12
Table 13
Table 14
Table 15
Table 16
Table 17
Table 18
Table 19
Table 20
Table 21

Belle Alliance

Table 7: Positive and negative factors for artillery
ElementOwn at lossOpponent at lossOwn at moraleOpponent at morale
Column effect-+ 2--
Square, battalion mass, and huddle-+ 3--
Skirmish line-- 4--
Limbered artillery and train-- 2--
Unlimbered artillery-- 4--
Mounted cavalry-- 4--
Mounted cavalry at the charge-- 1--
Flanking fire---+ 3
Rear fire---+ 2
Fire at hidden target- 2---
In passage of obstacle- 2--+ 2
Wood and edge of wood-+ 2--
Cover II-- 2-
Cover III-- 4-
Own firing figures (gunners multiplied by 5) relative to target figures
50 per cent more---- 1
100 per cent more--+ 1- 2
200 per cent more--+ 2- 4
300 per cent more--- 6
400 per cent more and above--- 8
Foot artillery not stationary- 3---
Split fire at zone 2 and 3- 2---
First fire or melee+ 2---
Without supplies---+ 2
Canister fire at zone 1+ 3---
Fire at zone 2- 3---
Fire at zone 3- 6---
Non-ricochet fire at zone 2 and 3- 2---
Ranging at zone 2 and 3- 2---
3-4 pd- 2---
12 pd+ 2---
SD- 2--+ 2
MD---+ 4
FD---+ 8
Support unit or soutien---- 2
Neighbour unit+ 2---
Engaging of commanding officer--+/- 4-/+ 4
Valour+/- 5---/+ 5
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