A (Quartet)
B (Quartet)
C (Quartet)
D (Quartet)
E (Quartet)
F (Quartet)
G (Quartet)
H (Quartet)
I (Quartet)
J (Quartet)
K (Quartet)
L (Quartet)
M (Quartet)
N (Quartet)
O (Quartet)
P (Quartet)
Q (Quartet)
R (Quartet)
S (Quartet)
T (Quartet)
U (Quartet)
V (Quartet)
W (Quartet)
X (Quartet)
Y (Quartet)
Z (Quartet)
Æ (Quartet)
Ø (Quartet)
Å (Quartet)

String Quartets - Composers with T

Taborowski, Stanislaw
* Full name:
* Born: 1830
* Nationality: Poland
* Notes:
String Quartet
* Registration:
* Date: 1860 ?
* Notes:

Tagström, Ivan
* Full name:
* Born: ?
* Nationality: Sweden
* Notes:
* No registrations

Tailleferre, Germaine
* Full name:
* Born: 1892
* Nationality: France
* Notes:
String Quartet
* Registration:
* Date: 1918
* Notes:

Takada, Saburo
* Full name:
* Born: 1913
* Nationality: Japan
* Notes:
String Quartet "Marionette Suite"
* Registration:
* Date: 1954
* Notes:

Takahashi, Yutaka
* Full name:
* Born: 1938
* Nationality: Japan
* Notes:

Takahashi, Yutaka
* Full name:
* Born: ?
* Nationality: Japan
* Notes:
String Quartet "Quartetto da corda '86"
* Registration:
* Date: 1986
* Notes:
String Quartet "Quartetto da Corda"
* Registration:
* Date: 1986
* Notes:

Takanaka, Atsuhiko
* Full name:
* Born: ?
* Nationality: Japan
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 1 "Manyo"
* Registration:
* Date: 1994
* Notes:

Takemitsu, Toru
* Full name:
* Born: 1930 - 1996
* Nationality: Japan
* Notes: Var til sin død kunstnerisk leder af Tokyo koncerthal. En japansk komponistkonkurrence skal løbe til år 2000. Dommerne for de kommende år er valgt: Henri Dutilleux i 1997 - György Ligeti i 1998 - Luciano Berio i 1999..
String Quartet "Arc"
* Registration:
* Date: 1963
* Notes:
String Quartet "Corona II"
* Registration:
* Date: 1962
* Notes:
String Quartet "Landscape"
* Registration:
* Date: 1960
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 1 "A Way A Lone"
* Registration:
* Date: 1981
* Notes:

Taktakishvili, Otar
* Full name: Taktakishvili, Otar Vasilyevich
* Born: 1924 - 1992
* Nationality: Russia
* Notes: Fra Tbilisi.
String Quartet
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes:

Tal, Josef
* Full name:
* Born: 1910
* Nationality: Israel
* Notes: Født i Polen.
String Quartet no. 1
* Registration:
* Date: 1959
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 2
* Registration:
* Date: 1964
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 3
* Registration:
* Date: 1976
* Notes:

Talma, Louise
* Full name:
* Born: 1906
* Nationality: United States of America
* Notes:
String Quartet
* Registration:
* Date: 1954
* Notes:

Tamberg, Eino
* Full name:
* Born: 1930
* Nationality: Estonia
* Notes:
String Quartet
* Registration:
* Date: 1958
* Notes:

Tamusuza, Justinian
* Full name:
* Born: 1951
* Nationality: Uganda
* Notes:
String Quartet "First Movement"
* Registration:
* Date: 1988
* Notes:

Tamverk, Jüri
* Full name:
* Born: 1954
* Nationality: Estonia
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 1
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes:

Tanaka, Atsuhiko
* Full name:
* Born: ?
* Nationality: Japan
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 1 "Manyo"
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes:

Tanaka, Yoshifumi
* Full name:
* Born: 1968
* Nationality: Japan
* Notes:
String Quartet "Fuggitivi"
* Registration:
* Date: 1996-97
* Notes:

Taneyev, Alexander
* Full name: Taneyev, Alexander Sergeyevich
* Born: 1850 - 1918
* Nationality: Russia
* Notes: - har skrevet 3 skv. - er ikke - som ofte påstået - nevø til Sergei - men hans far (som iøvrigt også hed Sergei T.) var en fjern fætter til den kendte Sergei T. (1856 - 1915).
String Quartet no. 1 opus 25 G-major
* Registration:
* Date: ca. 1900
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 2 opus 28 C-major
* Registration:
* Date: ca. 1900
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 3 opus 30 A-major
* Registration:
* Date: ca. 1900
* Notes:

Taneyev, Sergei
* Full name:
* Born: 1856 - 1915
* Nationality: Russia
* Notes: S.T. voksede op i en familie af embedsmænd, men hans far var en dygtig musikamatør samt pro- fessor ved Moskva Universitet. I 1866 flyttede familien til Moskva - samme år som det nye musik- konservatorium åbnede - og S.T. blev dermed en af de første elever. Han var på det tidspunkt knapt 10 år gammel, og havde næppe kunnet forudse, at han resten af sit liv ville være knyttet til konser- vatoriet, og at han år senere ville få undervisning af Tjaikovskij eller at hans klaverspil ville blive for- bedret ved timer hos Nicolai Rubinstein. I 1876 gav han koncerter i Paris og mødte her komponister som Gounod, Saint-Saens, Franck og Fauré, og han fremførte ved en sådan lejlighed bl.a. musik af Tjaikovskij - som endnu knapt var kendt i Paris! I 1885 blev han direktør for Moskva Konservatoriet og skrev dels operaen "Oresteia" og dels kammermusik, samt en række lærebøger og anden musiklitteratur. S.T. sættes ofte i forbindelse med Alexander Taneyev og omtales som en onkel til ham. Alex. T. er imidlertid søn af en fjernere fætter (som iøvrigt også hed Sergei T.)..
String Quartet Es-major
* Registration:
* Date: 1880
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 1 opus 4 b-minor
* Registration:
* Date: 1890
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 2 opus 5 C-major
* Registration:
* Date: 1895
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 3 opus 7 d-minor
* Registration:
* Date: 1896
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 4 opus 11 a-minor
* Registration:
* Date: 1903
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 5 opus 13 A-major
* Registration:
* Date: 1903
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 6 opus 19 B-major
* Registration:
* Date: 1905
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 7 c-minor
* Registration:
* Date: 1911
* Notes: Har kun satser.
String Quartet no. 8 C-major
* Registration:
* Date: 1880-83
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 9 A-major
* Registration:
* Date: 1883
* Notes:
String Quartet no. ? d-minor
* Registration:
* Date: 1874-76
* Notes: Kun 2 satser.

Taniel, Gennadi
* Full name:
* Born: 1940
* Nationality: Estonia
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 1
* Registration:
* Date: 1965
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 2
* Registration:
* Date: 1966
* Notes:

Tansman, Alexandre
* Full name:
* Born: 1897
* Nationality: France
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 1
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 2
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 3
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 4
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 5
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 6
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 7
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 8
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes:

Tapkov, Dimiter
* Full name:
* Born: 1929
* Nationality: Bulgaria
* Notes:
String Quartet
* Registration:
* Date: 1957
* Notes:
String Quartet
* Registration:
* Date: 1972
* Notes:
String Quartet "3 Pieces"
* Registration:
* Date: 1963
* Notes:
String Quartet "Skizzen I"
* Registration:
* Date: 1957
* Notes:
String Quartet "Skizzen II"
* Registration:
* Date: 1957
* Notes:
String Quartet "Variations"
* Registration:
* Date: 1954
* Notes:

Tardos, Béla
* Full name:
* Born: 1910 - 1966
* Nationality: Hungary
* Notes:
String Quartet "Variations"
* Registration:
* Date: 1935
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 1
* Registration:
* Date: 1947
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 2
* Registration:
* Date: 1949
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 3
* Registration:
* Date: 1963
* Notes:

Tarnowski, Greve Wladyslaw
* Full name:
* Born: 1841 - 1878
* Nationality: Poland
* Notes:
String Quartet
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes:

Tarp, Svend Erik
* Full name:
* Born: 1908 - 1994
* Nationality: Denmark
* Notes:
String Quartet opus 76
* Registration:
* Date: 1971
* Notes: Har skrevet flere.

Tate, Phyllis
* Full name: Tate, Phyllis Margaret
* Born: 1911
* Nationality: United Kingdom
* Notes:
String Quartet F-major
* Registration:
* Date: 1952
* Notes:

Taub, Bruce
* Full name:
* Born: 1948
* Nationality: United States of America
* Notes:
String Quartet "Variations for String Quartet"
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes:

Taubert, Ernst
* Full name:
* Born: 1838 - 1934
* Nationality: Germany
* Notes:
String Quartet opus 32 no. 1 D-major
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes:
String Quartet opus 32 no. 2 Es-major
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes:

Taubert, Wilhelm
* Full name:
* Born: 1811 - 1891
* Nationality: Germany
* Notes:
String Quartet
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes:

Tausinger, Jan
* Full name:
* Born: 1921
* Nationality: Czechoslovakia
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 1
* Registration:
* Date: 1961
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 2
* Registration:
* Date: 1966
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 3
* Registration:
* Date: 1970
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 4 "Structures"
* Registration:
* Date: 1972
* Notes:

Tavener, John
* Full name: Tavener, John Kenneth
* Born: 1944
* Nationality: United Kingdom
* Notes:
String Quartet
* Registration:
* Date: 1992
* Notes: M. titel: "The Last Sleep of the Virgin".
String Quartet "The hidden Treasure"
* Registration:
* Date: 1989
* Notes:

Taylor, Deems
* Full name: Taylor, Deems Joseph
* Born: 1885 - 1966
* Nationality: United States of America
* Notes:
String Quartet opus 16 "Lucrece"
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes:

Tello, Aurelio
* Full name:
* Born: 1951
* Nationality: Peru
* Notes:

Teml, Jirí
* Full name:
* Born: 1935
* Nationality: Czechoslovakia
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 1
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 2
* Registration:
* Date: 1978 rev:86
* Notes: Tilegnet Igor Stravinsky. Var oprindeligt skrevet for træblæsere og strygere, men Jan Sedlácek overtalte Jirí Teml til at arrangere kompositionen for str.kvartet..
String Quartet no. 3
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes:

Templeton, Alec
* Full name:
* Born: 1909 - 1963
* Nationality: United Kingdom
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 1
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 2
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes:

Terashima, Rikuya
* Full name:
* Born: ?
* Nationality: Japan
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 2
* Registration:
* Date: 1987
* Notes:

Terterjan, Awet
* Full name:
* Born: 1929
* Nationality: Russia
* Notes: Født i Baku.
String Quartet no. 1
* Registration:
* Date: 1964
* Notes:

Terzakis, Dimitri
* Full name:
* Born: 1938
* Nationality: Greece
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 1
* Registration:
* Date: 1969-70
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 2
* Registration:
* Date: 1976
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 3
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes:

Terzian, Alicia
* Full name:
* Born: ?
* Nationality: Argentina
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 1 opus 5
* Registration:
* Date: 1969
* Notes: M. titel: "Tres piezas para cuarteto de cuerdas".

Ter-Tatevosyan, Hovhannes Gurgeni
* Full name:
* Born: 1926
* Nationality: Armenien
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 1
* Registration:
* Date: 1955
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 2
* Registration:
* Date: 1967
* Notes:

Terényi, Ede
* Full name:
* Born: 1935
* Nationality: Romania
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 1
* Registration:
* Date: 1973
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 1
* Registration:
* Date: 1973
* Notes:

Testi, Flavio
* Full name:
* Born: 1923
* Nationality: Italy
* Notes:
String Quartet "Tempo"
* Registration:
* Date: 1976
* Notes:

Teyber, Anton
* Full name:
* Born: 1756 - 1822
* Nationality: Austria
* Notes: opus 1 og 2 omfatter ialt 6 kvartetter. Der var yderligere 23 str.kvartetter, men de er bortkommet - 6 vides gået tabt..
String Quartet opus 1 no. 1
* Registration:
* Date: 1788 (Wien)
* Notes:
String Quartet opus 1 no. 2
* Registration:
* Date: 1788 (Wien)
* Notes:
String Quartet opus 1 no. 3
* Registration:
* Date: 1788 (Wien)
* Notes:
String Quartet opus 2 no. 1
* Registration:
* Date: ? (Dresden)
* Notes:
String Quartet opus 2 no. 2
* Registration:
* Date: ? (Dresden)
* Notes:
String Quartet opus 2 no. 3
* Registration:
* Date: ? (Dresden)
* Notes:

Thienen, Marcel van
* Full name:
* Born: 1922
* Nationality: France
* Notes:
String Quartet "Le bal des pendus"
* Registration:
* Date: 1945
* Notes: M. recitativ.
String Quartet "Kammerspiel"
* Registration:
* Date: 1970
* Notes:

Thilman, Johannes Paul
* Full name:
* Born: 1906 - 1973
* Nationality: Germany
* Notes:
String Quartet
* Registration:
* Date: 1971
* Notes: M. titel: "Dramatische Szenen für Streichquartett".
String Quartet
* Registration:
* Date: 1972
* Notes: M. titel "Concertino für Streichquartett".
String Quartet no. 1 opus 49 C-major "Sonatine"
* Registration:
* Date: 1950
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 2 opus 62 F-major
* Registration:
* Date: 1955
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 3 opus 81 D-major
* Registration:
* Date: 1956
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 4 opus 69 B-major
* Registration:
* Date: 1955
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 4 opus 84 d-minor
* Registration:
* Date: 1957
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 5 "Romantisches Quartett"
* Registration:
* Date: 1962
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 6
* Registration:
* Date: 1970
* Notes:

Thomas, Ambroise
* Full name: Thomas, Ambroise Charles Louis
* Born: 1811 - 1896
* Nationality: France
* Notes:
String Quartet e-minor
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes:
String Quartet opus 1
* Registration:
* Date: 1833
* Notes:

Thomas, John
* Full name:
* Born: 1826 - 1913
* Nationality: United Kingdom
* Notes: Fra Wales.
String Quartet no. 1
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes: Har skrevet flere.
String Quartet no. 2
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes:

Thomas, Mansel
* Full name: Thomas, Mansel Treharne
* Born: 1909
* Nationality: United Kingdom
* Notes: Fra Wales.
String Quartet no. 1 f-minor
* Registration:
* Date: 1939
* Notes:

Thomas, Michael
* Full name: Thomas, Michael Tilson
* Born: 1944
* Nationality: United States of America
* Notes:
String Quartet
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes:

Thomas-Mifune, Werner
* Full name:
* Born: 1941
* Nationality: Germany
* Notes:
String Quartet "Vergnüglische Etüden"
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes: Arr. for 4 vc..

Thommessen, Olav Anton
* Full name:
* Born: 1946
* Nationality: Norway
* Notes:
String Quartet
* Registration:
* Date: 1969
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 2
* Registration:
* Date: 1970
* Notes:

Thompson, Randall
* Full name:
* Born: 1899
* Nationality: United States of America
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 1 d-minor
* Registration:
* Date: 1941
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 2 G-major
* Registration:
* Date: 1967
* Notes:

Thomson, Virgil
* Full name:
* Born: 1896 - 1986
* Nationality: United States of America
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 1
* Registration:
* Date: 1931
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 2
* Registration:
* Date: 1932
* Notes:

Thoresen, Lasse
* Full name:
* Born: 1949
* Nationality: Norway
* Notes:
String Quartet "Etter - kvart"
* Registration:
* Date: 1971
* Notes:

Thoroddsen, Emil
* Full name:
* Born: 1898 - 1944
* Nationality: Iceland
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 1
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes:

Thorpe Davie, Cedric
* Full name:
* Born: 1913
* Nationality: United Kingdom
* Notes: (Skotland).
String Quartet "Fantasy Quartet"
* Registration:
* Date: 1935
* Notes:

Thärichen, Werner
* Full name:
* Born: 1921
* Nationality: Germany
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 1 opus 31
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes:

Thórarinsson, Leifur
* Full name:
* Born: 1934
* Nationality: Iceland
* Notes:
String Quartet
* Registration:
* Date: 1969
* Notes:

Tibbits, George
* Full name: Tibbits, George Richard
* Born: 1933
* Nationality: Australien
* Notes:
String Quartet
* Registration:
* Date: 1975
* Notes:
String Quartet
* Registration:
* Date: 1968
* Notes:

Tillis, Frederick
* Full name:
* Born: 1930
* Nationality: United States of America
* Notes:
String Quartet "Spritual Fantasy no. 12"
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes:

Tippett, Michael
* Full name: Tippett, Sir Michael Kemp
* Born: 1905
* Nationality: United Kingdom
* Notes:
String Quartet F-major
* Registration:
* Date: 1928 (rev. 1930)
* Notes: Ikke udgiv..
String Quartet no. 1 opus 25a A-major
* Registration:
* Date: 1934-35
* Notes: (rev. 1943).
String Quartet no. 2 Fis-major
* Registration:
* Date: 1941-42
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 3 op 94
* Registration:
* Date: 1945-46
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 4
* Registration:
* Date: 1978
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 5
* Registration:
* Date: 1990-91
* Notes:

Tircuit, Heuwell
* Full name:
* Born: 1931
* Nationality: United States of America
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 3
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes:

Tishschenko, Boris
* Full name: Tishschenko, Boris Ivanovitch
* Born: 1939
* Nationality: Russia
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 1 opus 8
* Registration:
* Date: 1957
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 2 opus 13
* Registration:
* Date: 1959
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 3 opus 47
* Registration:
* Date: 1969
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 4 opus 77
* Registration:
* Date: 1980
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 5 opus 90
* Registration:
* Date: 1984
* Notes:

Tisné, Antoine
* Full name:
* Born: 1932
* Nationality: France
* Notes:
String Quartet
* Registration:
* Date: 1963
* Notes:
String Quartet "3 Etuder"
* Registration:
* Date: 1978
* Notes:

Tittel, Gerhard
* Full name:
* Born: 1937
* Nationality: Germany
* Notes:
String Quartet
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes:

Titz, Anton Ferdinand
* Full name:
* Born: 1742 - 1810
* Nationality: Germany
* Notes: Senere Russia - ca 9 skva.
String Quartet no. 1
* Registration:
* Date: 1802 (Bonn)
* Notes: Udgiv. som 3 quatuors.
String Quartet no. 2
* Registration:
* Date: 1802 (Bonn)
* Notes: Udgiv. som 3 quatuors.
String Quartet no. 3
* Registration:
* Date: 1802 (Bonn)
* Notes: Udgiv. som 3 quatuors.
String Quartet opus 1 no. 1
* Registration:
* Date: 1781 (Wien)
* Notes: Udgiv. som 6 quatuors.
String Quartet opus 1 no. 2
* Registration:
* Date: 1781 (Wien)
* Notes: Udgiv. som 6 quatuors.
String Quartet opus 1 no. 3
* Registration:
* Date: 1781 (Wien)
* Notes: Udgiv. som 6 quatuors.
String Quartet opus 1 no. 4
* Registration:
* Date: 1781 (Wien)
* Notes: Udgiv. som 6 quatuors.
String Quartet opus 1 no. 5
* Registration:
* Date: 1781 (Wien)
* Notes: Udgiv. som 6 quatuors.
String Quartet opus 1 no. 6
* Registration:
* Date: 1781 (Wien)
* Notes: Udgiv. som 6 quatuors.

Tjaikovski, Alexander
* Full name: Tjaikovski, Alexander Wladimirovitch
* Born: 1946
* Nationality: Russia
* Notes:
String Quartet
* Registration:
* Date: 1988
* Notes:

Tjaikovski, Boris
* Full name: Tjaikovski, Boris Alexandrovitch
* Born: 1925
* Nationality: Russia
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 1
* Registration:
* Date: 1954
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 2
* Registration:
* Date: 1961
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 3
* Registration:
* Date: 1967
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 5
* Registration:
* Date: 1974
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 6
* Registration:
* Date: 1976
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 4
* Registration:
* Date: 1972
* Notes:

Tjaikovskij, André
* Full name:
* Born: 1935 - 1982
* Nationality: Russia
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 2 opus 5 C-major
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes:
String Quartet "3 korte stykker" ?
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes:
String Quartet "Jugendalbum"
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes: Arr. "14 korte stykker" for 4 vc..
String Quartet B-major
* Registration:
* Date: 1865
* Notes: Kun en sats.
String Quartet B-major "Adagio og allegro" ?
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 1 opus 11 D-major
* Registration:
* Date: 1871
* Notes: M. andante cantabile.
String Quartet no. 2 opus 22 F-major
* Registration:
* Date: 1874
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 3 opus 30 es-minor
* Registration:
* Date: 1877
* Notes:

Tjaikovskij., Peter
* Full name: Tjaikovskij., Peter Pyotr Ilyich
* Born: 1840 - 1893
* Nationality: Russia
* Notes:

Tjerepnin, Alexander
* Full name: Tjerepnin, Alexander Nikolayevich
* Born: 1899 - 1977
* Nationality: Russia
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 1 opus 36
* Registration:
* Date: 1922
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 2 opus 40
* Registration:
* Date: 1926
* Notes:

Tjerepnin, Ivan
* Full name: Tjerepnin, Ivan Alexandrovich
* Born: 1943
* Nationality: France
* Notes:
String Quartet m. tape "Rings"
* Registration:
* Date: 1966
* Notes: Søn af Alex. Tjerepnin.

Tjerepnin, Serge
* Full name: Tjerepnin, Serge Alexandrovich
* Born: 1941
* Nationality: United States of America
* Notes: Født i Paris - søn af Alex.T..
String Quartet
* Registration:
* Date: 1961
* Notes:

Tobias, Rudolf
* Full name:
* Born: 1873 - 1918
* Nationality: Estonia
* Notes: En skva. hedder "Andante" - en anden "Nocturne" ???.
String Quartet no. 1 d-minor
* Registration:
* Date: 1899
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 2 c-minor
* Registration:
* Date: 1902?
* Notes:

Tobias-Duesberg, Helen
* Full name:
* Born: 1919
* Nationality: Estonia
* Notes:
String Quartet
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes:

Toch, Ernst
* Full name:
* Born: 1887 - 1964
* Nationality: Austria
* Notes:
String Quartet "Dedication"
* Registration:
* Date: 1948
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 1 opus 1 G-major
* Registration:
* Date: 1902
* Notes: Gået tabt.
String Quartet no. 2 opus 2 d-minor
* Registration:
* Date: 1902
* Notes: Gået tabt.
String Quartet no. 3 opus 3 G-major
* Registration:
* Date: 1903
* Notes: Gået tabt.
String Quartet no. 4 opus 4 Es-major
* Registration:
* Date: 1903
* Notes: Gået tabt.
String Quartet no. 5 opus 5 C-major
* Registration:
* Date: 1903
* Notes: Gået tabt.
String Quartet no. 6 opus 12 a-minor
* Registration:
* Date: 1905
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 7 opus 15 G-major
* Registration:
* Date: 1908
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 8 opus 18 Des-major
* Registration:
* Date: 1910
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 9 opus 26 C-major
* Registration:
* Date: 1919
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 10 opus 23
* Registration:
* Date: 1921
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 11 opus 34
* Registration:
* Date: 1924
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 12 opus 70
* Registration:
* Date: 1946
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 13 opus 74
* Registration:
* Date: 1954
* Notes: Gået tabt.

Toebosch, Louis
* Full name:
* Born: 1916
* Nationality: Netherlands
* Notes:
String Quartet opus 100 "The King's Quartet"
* Registration:
* Date: 1968
* Notes:

Togni, Camillo
* Full name:
* Born: 1922
* Nationality: Italy
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 1 opus 5
* Registration:
* Date: 1938
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 2 opus 6
* Registration:
* Date: 1938
* Notes:

Toldra, Eduardo
* Full name:
* Born: 1895 - 1962
* Nationality: Spain
* Notes:
String Quartet "Vistas al mar"
* Registration:
* Date: 1921
* Notes:
String Quartet c-minor "Per l'art"
* Registration:
* Date: 1914
* Notes: Denne kvartet blev senere trukket tilbage..

Tomasini, Alois Luigi
* Full name:
* Born: 1741 - 1808
* Nationality: Italy
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 1
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 2
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 3
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 4
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 5
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 6
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 7
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 8
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 9
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 10
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 11
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 12
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 13
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 14
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 15
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 16
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 17
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 18
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 19
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 20
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 21
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes:
String Quartet opus 8 no. 1
* Registration:
* Date: 1807 (Wien)
* Notes:
String Quartet opus 8 no. 2
* Registration:
* Date: 1807 (Wien)
* Notes:
String Quartet opus 8 no. 3
* Registration:
* Date: 1807 (Wien)
* Notes:

Tommasini, Vincenzo
* Full name:
* Born: 1878 - 1950
* Nationality: Italy
* Notes:
String Quartet a-minor
* Registration:
* Date: 1898
* Notes: Ikke udgiv..
String Quartet no. 1 F-major
* Registration:
* Date: 1908-09
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 2
* Registration:
* Date: 1926
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 3
* Registration:
* Date: 1943
* Notes:

Tomásek, Václav
* Full name: Tomásek, Václav Jan Krtitel
* Born: 1774 - 1850
* Nationality: Czechoslovakia
* Notes: (Böhmen).
String Quartet no. 1
* Registration:
* Date: 1792-93
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 2
* Registration:
* Date: 1792-93
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 3
* Registration:
* Date: 1792-93
* Notes:

Toovey, Andrew
* Full name:
* Born: 1962
* Nationality: United Kingdom
* Notes:
String Quartet "Untitled String Quartet"
* Registration:
* Date: 1985
* Notes:

Torke, Michael
* Full name:
* Born: 1961
* Nationality: United States of America
* Notes:
String Quartet "Chalk"
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes:

Tormis, Veljo
* Full name:
* Born: 1930
* Nationality: Estonia
* Notes:
* No registrations

Tournemire, Charles
* Full name: Tournemire, Charles Arnould
* Born: 1870 - 1939
* Nationality: France
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 1 opus 61 "Musique orante"
* Registration:
* Date: 1933
* Notes:

Tovey, Sir Donald
* Full name: Tovey, Sir Donald Francis
* Born: 1875 - 1940
* Nationality: United Kingdom
* Notes:
String Quartet opus 11 B-major "Aria and Variations"
* Registration:
* Date: 1900
* Notes:
String Quartet opus 23 G-major
* Registration:
* Date: 1909
* Notes:
String Quartet opus 24 D-major
* Registration:
* Date: 1909
* Notes:
String Quartet opus 28 "Variations"
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes: Variationer over et tema af Gluck.

Tower, Joan
* Full name:
* Born: 1938
* Nationality: United States of America
* Notes:
String Quartet "Night Fields"
* Registration:
* Date: 1994
* Notes:

Trailescu, Cornel
* Full name:
* Born: 1926
* Nationality: Romania
* Notes:
String Quartet D-major
* Registration:
* Date: 1955
* Notes:

Trambitsky, Viktor
* Full name: Trambitsky, Viktor Nikolayevich
* Born: 1895 - 1970
* Nationality: Russia
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 1
* Registration:
* Date: 1928
* Notes:

Trapp, Max
* Full name:
* Born: 1887 - 1971
* Nationality: Germany
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 1 opus 22
* Registration:
* Date: 1935
* Notes:

Trede, Yngve Jan
* Full name:
* Born: 1933
* Nationality: Germany
* Notes: Denmark.
String Quartet no. 1
* Registration:
* Date:
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 2
* Registration:
* Date:
* Notes:

Treibmann, Karl Ottomar
* Full name:
* Born: 1936
* Nationality: Germany
* Notes:
String Quartet
* Registration:
* Date: 1972
* Notes:

Tremblay, George
* Full name: Tremblay, George Amedée
* Born: 1911
* Nationality: United States of America
* Notes: Født i Canada.
String Quartet "In Memoriam"
* Registration:
* Date: 1942
* Notes:
String Quartet "Modes of Transportation"
* Registration:
* Date: 1939
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 1
* Registration:
* Date: 1936
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 3
* Registration:
* Date: 1962
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 4
* Registration:
* Date: 1963
* Notes:

Trento, Vittorio
* Full name:
* Born: 1761 - 1833
* Nationality: Italy
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 1
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 2
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 3
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 4
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 5
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 6
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes:

Triebmann, Karl
* Full name:
* Born: 1936
* Nationality: United States of America
* Notes:
String Quartet
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes:

Trieder, Jan
* Full name:
* Born: 1957
* Nationality: Germany
* Notes:
String Quartet "Ricercare" (Doch meine Stimme)
* Registration:
* Date: 1977
* Notes:

Trimble, Lester
* Full name: Trimble, Lester Albert
* Born: 1923
* Nationality: United States of America
* Notes:
String Quartet "Notturno"
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 1
* Registration:
* Date: 1950
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 2
* Registration:
* Date: 1956
* Notes:

Trojahn, Manfred
* Full name:
* Born: 1949
* Nationality: Germany
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 1 "Pièces brèves"
* Registration:
* Date: 1973
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 3
* Registration:
* Date: 1983
* Notes:

Trojan, Václav
* Full name:
* Born: 1907
* Nationality: Czechoslovakia
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 1
* Registration:
* Date: 1929
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 2
* Registration:
* Date: 1945
* Notes:

Trozner, Iosif
* Full name:
* Born: 1904
* Nationality: Romania
* Notes:
String Quartet
* Registration:
* Date: 1935
* Notes:

Trunk, Richard
* Full name:
* Born: 1879 - 1968
* Nationality: Germany
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 1 opus 80 a-minor
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes:

Tsintsadze, Sulkhan Fyodorovich
* Full name:
* Born: 1925 - 1992
* Nationality: Russia
* Notes: Har skrevet "8 miniaturer f. str.kv." "Nadsidze str.kv. no. 5 - con sordino" ..
String Quartet no. 1
* Registration:
* Date: 1947
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 2
* Registration:
* Date: 1948
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 3
* Registration:
* Date: 1950
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 4
* Registration:
* Date: 1955
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 5
* Registration:
* Date: 1962
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 6
* Registration:
* Date: 1966
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 7
* Registration:
* Date: 1970
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 8
* Registration:
* Date: 1974
* Notes:

Tsontakis, George
* Full name:
* Born: 1951
* Nationality: United States of America
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 1 "Mothers Hymn"
* Registration:
* Date: 1980
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 2 "Emerson"
* Registration:
* Date: 1984
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 3 "Coraggio"
* Registration:
* Date: 1986
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 4 "Thy Tenderness"
* Registration:
* Date: 1988
* Notes:

Tubin, Eduard
* Full name:
* Born: 1905 - 1982
* Nationality: Estonia
* Notes: Født i Estonia - flyttet til Sweden i 1944.
String Quartet
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes:
String Quartet "Eleegia" (Adagio)
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 1
* Registration:
* Date: 1979
* Notes:

Tulindberg, Erik
* Full name: Tulindberg, Erik Eriksson
* Born: 1761 - 1814
* Nationality: Finland
* Notes: De seks String Quartetter forsvandt, men blev senere genfundet, - men 2.violinstemmen manglede. Toivo Haapanen komponerede 2.stemmen til den første kvartet, hvorefter den blev opført i 1929. John Rosas har sat 2.stemme til de øvrige fem kvartetter..
String Quartet no. 1
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 2
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 3
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 4
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 5
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 6
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes:

Turchi, Guido
* Full name:
* Born: 1916
* Nationality: Italy
* Notes:
String Quartet "Concerto breve"
* Registration:
* Date: 1947
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 1
* Registration:
* Date: 1940
* Notes:

Turina, Joaquin
* Full name:
* Born: 1882 - 1949
* Nationality: Spain
* Notes:
String Quartet "Erato" (Trovas y saetas)
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes:
String Quartet "Talia" (Naranjos y olivos)
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes:
String Quartet opus 4 "De la guitarra"
* Registration:
* Date: 1911
* Notes:
String Quartet opus 34 "La oraciòn del torero"
* Registration:
* Date: 1925
* Notes:
String Quartet opus 87 "Serenata"
* Registration:
* Date: 1935
* Notes:

Turski, Zbigniew
* Full name:
* Born: 1908
* Nationality: Poland
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 1
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes: Gået tabt.
String Quartet no. 2
* Registration:
* Date: 1951
* Notes:

Turányi, Dragutin
* Full name:
* Born: 1805 - 1873
* Nationality: Yugoslavia
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 1
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 2
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 3
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 4
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 5
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes: Gået tabt.
String Quartet no. 6
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes: Gået tabt.

Tveitt, Geir
* Full name: Tveitt, Geir Nils
* Born: 1908
* Nationality: Norway
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 1
* Registration:
* Date: 1935
* Notes: M. titel: "6 Movements in Suite Form".
String Quartet no. 2
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 3
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 4
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes:

Tyrrell, Agnes
* Full name:
* Born: 1846 - 1883
* Nationality: Czechoslovakia
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 1
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes:

Tyszkowski, Jerzy
* Full name:
* Born: ?
* Nationality: Poland
* Notes:
String Quartet
* Registration:
* Date: 1985
* Notes:
String Quartet
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes:

Taglichsbeck, Thomas
* Full name:
* Born: 1799 - 1867
* Nationality: Germany
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 1
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 2
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 3
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes:

Törne, Bengt von
* Full name:
* Born: 1891 -
* Nationality: Finland
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 1
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 2
* Registration:
* Date: ?
* Notes:

Tüür, Errki-Sven
* Full name:
* Born: 1959
* Nationality: Estonia
* Notes:
String Quartet no. 1
* Registration:
* Date: 1985
* Notes: Med titlen: "In memoriam Urmas Kibuspuu".