Common rules
Slight disorder
Medium disorder
Full disorder
Valour and supplies

Belle Alliance

5.5.0 Valour and supplies
5.5.1 ValourThe valour of a unit represents a combination of training and moral. In addition to valour, a positive factor applies for highly trained marksmen, ref. table 6, while a negative factor applies for light cavalry and a positive factor applies for heavy cavalry, ref. table 8.

It must be indicated in the scenario, ref. 1.1.9, when units have highly trained marksmen, which will apply especially to British units.

Valour is indicated in table 21 for the period 1813 to 1815, and may vary from plus 5 to minus 5.

5.5.2 Reduction of valourFor every 20 per cent of the original force that is lost by a unit, its valour will be reduced by one point, ref. table 15.

When the valour of a unit is reduced below minus 5, the unit immediately is brought into FD, unless it is at the same time brought into FD for any other reason. The valour of the unit is adjusted to minus 5 after the loss due to FD has been removed, ref. 5.4.1.

A lost point of valour may be regained through rest, ref. 5.5.4.

Units, other than artillery, that come to have less than 3 figures, are immediately removed from the wargames terrain. This also applies to the individual parts of a split unit, ref. 1.2.6.

5.5.3 SuppliesSupplies represent that a unit has sufficient ammunition, and for cavalry also that a unit has sufficiently fresh horses.

A unit will have unlimited supplies until the unit carries out a roll of dice for firing or melee that includes two dice showing the face of one point. Following such a roll of dice, a unit will have supplies only for the next three rolls of dice for firing or melee. This applies even when only part of a unit has fired or participated in a melee.

Units without supplies may not fire at opponents. They may carry out attacks and be attacked, but will receive a negative factor for being without supplies, ref. table 8, and in melee they may take only prisoners, ref. 4.1.3.

A unit may refurbish supplies through rest, ref. 5.5.4. When a unit starts refurbishing supplies, it looses any remaining supplies.

5.5.4 RestA unit the carries out rest must be placed in a special formation, ref. 1.3.6.

During rest, a unit must not be MD or FD, and it must be stationary without carrying out any activities, including participation in melee or being passed through. It will not interrupt rest that a unit is fired at, unless the unit as a result is brought into MD or FD.

Rest must be performed uninterrupted for 8 bounds in order to refurbish supplies or to regain one valour point. Units without supplies must refurbish supplies before valour points are regained.

When a unit during rest is in base contact with a supply waggon with ammunition, the time needed for refurbishing is reduced to 2 bounds, ref. 1.2.4. It must be noted in the scenario when supply waggons contain ammunition, ref. 1.1.9. Only one unit at a time may refurbish from a supply waggon.

If rest is interrupted when a shorter period than required has passed, the rest performed during this period is lost.

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