
32004L0017: u2-35

Other criteria

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EU Law

31993L0038 - Utilities (2nd generation) Article 35
Article 35
    1. Article 27 (1) shall not apply where a Member State bases the award of contracts on other criteria, within the framework of rules in force at the time of adoption of this Directive, the aim of which is to give preference to certain tenderers, provided that the rules invoked are compatible with the Treaty.
    2. Without prejudice to paragraph 1, this Directive shall not prevent, until 31 December 1992, the application of national provisions in force on the award of supply or works contracts which have as their objective the reduction of regional disparities and the promotion of job creation in disadvantaged regions or those suffering from industrial decline, provided that the provisions concerned are compatible with the EEC Treaty and with the Community's international obligations.
31998L0004 - Amemndment of Utilities (2nd generation) Article 1.9=35.1
9. Article 35(1) shall be replaced by the following:
    '1. Article 34(1) shall not apply where a Member State bases the award of contracts on other criteria, within the framework of rules in force at the time of adoption of this Directive, which are intended to give preference to certain tenderers, provided that the rules invoked are compatible with the Treaty.`;
31971L0305 - Works (1st generation) Article 29.4
4. The provisions of paragraph 1 shall not apply when a member state bases the award of contracts on other criteria, within the framework of rules whose aim is to give preference to certain tenderers by way of aid, on condition that the rules invoked are in conformity with the treaty, in particular articles 92 et seq.
31989L0440 - Fourth amendment of Works (1st generation) Article 1.20=W1-29.4
..... Article 29 (4) and (5) replaced by the following:

4. Paragraph 1 shall not apply when a Member State bases the award of contracts on other criteria, within the framework of rules in force at the time of the adoption of this Directive whose aim is to give preference to certain tenderers, on condition that the rules invoked are compatible with the Treaty.
31977L0062 - Goods (1st generation) Article 25.4
4. Paragraph 1 shall not apply when a member state bases the award of contracts on other criteria within the framework of rules existing at the time this directive is adopted, whose aim is to give preference to certain tenderers, on conditions that the rules invoked are compatible with the treaty.
31990L0531 - Utilities (1st generation) Article 28
Article 28
1. Article 27 (1) shall not apply where a Member State bases the award of contracts on other criteria within the framework of rules in force at the time of adoption of this Directive whose aim is to give preference to certain tenderers provided the rules invoked are compatible with the Treaty.
2. Without prejudice to paragraph 1, this Directive shall not prevent, until 31 December 1992, the application of national provisions in force on the award of supply or works contracts which have as their objective the reduction of regional disparities and the promotion of job creation in disadvantaged regions or those suffering from industrial decline, provided that the provisions concerned are compatible with the Treaty and with the Community's international obligations.

EU Cases

Case PteRefText
38 + 40-44W1-20
ECT-249 [ex 189]
38 The third question seeks in substance to establish whether Articles 20, 26 and 29 of Directive 71/305 may be relied upon by individuals before the national courts.

40 Furthermore, the Court has consistently held (see most recently the judgment of 26 February 1986 in Case 152/84 Marshall v Southampton and South-West Hampshire Health Authority (( 1986 )) ECR 723 ) that where the provisions of a directive appear, as far as their subject-matter is concerned, to be unconditional and sufficiently precise, those provisions may be relied on by individuals against the State where that State fails to implement the directive in national law within the prescribed period or where it fails to implement the directive correctly.
    41 It is therefore necessary to consider whether the provisions of Directive 71/305 in question are, as far as their subject-matter is concerned, unconditional and sufficiently precise to be relied on by an individual against the State.
    42 As the Court held in its judgment of 10 February 1982 in Case 76/81 Transporoute v Minister for Public Works (( 1982 )) ECR 417, in relation to Article 29, the directive' s rules regarding participation and advertising are intended to protect tenderers against arbitrariness on the part of the authority awarding contracts.
    43 To this end, as has been stated in relation to the reply to the second question, the rules in question provide inter alia that in checking the suitability of contractors the awarding authorities must apply criteria of economic and financial standing and technical knowledge and ability, and that the contract is to be awarded either solely on the basis of the lowest price or on the basis of several criteria relating to the tender. They also set out the requirements regarding publication of the criteria adopted by the awarding authorities and the references to be produced. Since no specific implementing measure is necessary for compliance with these requirements, the resulting obligations for the Member States are therefore unconditional and sufficiently precise.
    44 In reply to the third question it should therefore be stated that the provisions of Articles 20, 26 and 29 of Directive 71/305 may be relied on by an individual before the national courts.