Confederate States
United States
Great Britain
Other memoirs

Confederate States - Memoirs - American Civil War

Alexander, E.P.
* Military Memoirs of a Confederate - a critical Narrative
* The Archive Society, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 1995
Alexander, Edward Porter
* Fighting for the Confederacy - the Personal Recollections of General Edward Porter Alexander - edit by Gary W. Gallagher
* University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill & London 1989
Alexander, Edward Porter
* Military Memoirs of a Confederate - a critical narrative
* Da Capo Press, New York 1993
Battle, Brigadier General Cullen Andrews
* Third Alabama - The Civil War Memoir of Brigadier General Cullen Andrews Battle, CSA - edited by Brandon H. Beck
* The University of Alabama Press, Tuscaloosa and London 2000
Blackford, W.W.
* War Years with Jeb Stuart by Lieut. Colonel W.W. Blackford, CSA
* Louisiana State University Press, Baton Rouge and London 1993
Borcke, Heros von
* Memoirs of the Confederate War for Independence - by Heros von Borcke, Chief of Staff to General J.E.B. Stuart
* Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Edinburgh 1865-1866
Casler, John O.
* Four years in the Stonewall Brigade
* Press of the Morningside Bookshop, Dayton Ohio 1982
Clark, Captain Reuben G.
* Valleys of the Shadow - the Memoir of Confederate Captain Reuben G. Clark - Edited, with Commentary and Regimental History, by Willene B. Clark
* The University of Tennesee Press, Knoxville 1994
Confederate Magazine .....
* The Old Confederate Magazine 1893-1912 - 20 Volumes - a monthly magazine published in the interest of Confederate Veterans and Kindred Topics
* H-Bar Enterprises, na 2000
Connolly, James A.
* Three Years in the Army of the Cumberland - edited by Paul M. Angle
* Indiana University Press, Bloomington & Indianapolis 1987/1959
Davis, Jefferson
* Private Letters 1823-1889, selected and edited by Hudson Strode
* Harcourt, Brace & World, Inc., New York 1966
Davis, Jefferson
* The Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government
* Da Capo Press, New York 1990
Dawson, Francis
* Reminiscences of Confederate Service 1861-1865
* Louisiana State University Press, Baton Rouge & London 1980
Douglas, Henry Kyd
* I Rode With Stonewall
* The Great Commanders (Collectors Reprints Inc.), New York (Pennington, New Jersey) 1995
Duke, Basil W.
* Reminiscences of General Basil W. Duke, C.S.A.
* Books for Libraries Press, Freeport 1969
Early, Jubal A.
* A Memoir of the Last Year of the War for Independence in the Confederate States of America - containig an Account of the Operations of his Commands in the Years 1864 and 1865 - by Lieutenant-General Jubal A. Early
* The Archive Society, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 1996
Early, Jubal Anderson
* War Memoirs - autobiographical sketch and narrative of the war between the states
* Kraus Reprint, New York 1969
Fulton, William Frierson
* The War Reminiscences of William Frierson Fulton II - :th Alabama Battalion, Archer's Brigade, A.P. Hill's Light Division, A,N,V,
* Butternut Press Inc., Gaithersburg, Maryland 1986
Garnett, Captain Theodore Stanford Garnett
* Riding with Stuart - Reminiscences of an Aide-de-Camp - by Captain Theodore Stanford Garnett - edited by Robert J. Trout
* White Mane Publishing Co. Inc., Shippensbrug, Pennsylvania 1994
Gilmor, Harry
* Four years in the saddle
* Butternut and Blue, na na
Good, John J.
* Canon Smoke - the letters of Captain John J. Good, Good-Douglas Texas Battery, CSA - compiled and edited by Lester Newton Fitzhugh
* The Hill Junior College Press, Hillsboro, Texas 1971
Gordon, John B.
* Reminiscences of the Civil War
* Civil War Times, Gettysburg 1974
Goree, Thomas J.
* Longstreet's Aide - the Civil War letters of Major Thomas J. Goree - edited by Thomas W. Cutrer
* University Press of Virginia, Charlottesville and London 1995
Grisamore, Silas T.
* The Civil War Reminiscences of Major Silas T. Grisamore, CSA - edited with an introduction by Arthur W. Bergeron Jr
* Louisiana State University Press, Baton Rouge & London 1993
Hagood, Johnson
* Memoirs of the War of Secession - from the Original Manuscripts of Johnson Hagood
* Guild Bindery Press, Germantown, Tennessee na
Hood, J.B.
* Advance and Retreat
* Blue and Grey Press, Seacaucus 1985
Horn, Stanley F. (editor)
* The Robert E. Lee Reader
* Konecky & Konecky, New York 1993
Hotchkiss, Jedediah
* Make Me a Map of the Valley - the Civil War Journal of Stonewall Jackson's Topographer - edited by Archie P. McDonald
* Southern Methodist University Press, Dallas 1989/1973
Howard, McHenry
* Recollections of a Maryland Confederate Soldier and Staff Officer under Johnston, Jackson and Lee - by McHenry Howard - introduction, corretions and notes by James I. Robertson jr., Head of Department of History, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
* Press of Morningside Bookshop, Dayton, Ohio 1975
Johnston, Joseph E.
* Narrative of Military Operations during the Civil War
* Da Capo Press, New York 1990
Jones, J. William
* Personal Reminiscences of General Robert E. Lee - by the Reverend J. William Jones, D.D.
* Louisiana State University Press, Baton Rouge and London 1994/1989
Jones, John B.
* A Rebel War Clerk's Diary - condensed, edited, and annotated by Earl Schenck Miers - complete in one volume
* Louisiana State University Press, Baton Rouge and London 1993
Kean, Robert Garlick Hill
* Inside the Confederate Government - the Diary of Robert Garlick Hill Kean - edited by Edward Younger
* Louisiana State University Press, Baton Rouge and London 1993
Lee, Fitzhugh
* General Lee - a Biography of Robert E. Lee - by Fitzhugh Lee, his Nephew and Cavalry Commander
* Da Capo Press, New York 1994
Lee, Robert E.
* Lee's Dispatches - unpublished letters of General Robert E. Lee to Jefferson Davis and the War Department of the Confederate States of America 1862-65 - from the private collection of Wymberley Jones de Renne, of Wormsloe, Georgia - edited with an introduction and notes by Douglas Southall Freeman - with additional dispatches and foreword by Grady McWhiney
* Louisiana State University Press, Baton Rouge & London 1994
Lee, Robert E. Jr
* My Father General Lee - a new edition of Recollections and Letters of General Robert E. Lee - by his son, Capt. Robert E. Lee, Jr., C.S.A.
* Doubleday & Company Inc., Garden City, New York 1960
Lee, Robert E.
* The wartime papers of Robert E. Lee - edited by Clifford Dowdey and Louis H. Manarin
* Brown, Little, Brown, New York 1961
Long, A.L.
* Memoirs of Robert E. Lee
* The Blue and Grey Press, New Jersey 1983
Longstreet, James
* From Manassas to Appomattox - Memoirs of the Civil War in America
* Mallard Press, New York 1991
Manigault, Arthur Middleton
* A Carolinian Goes to War - the Civil War narritive of Arthur Middleton Manigault - edited by R. Lockwood Tower - and with his Mexican War narritive edited by Warren Ripley and Arthur M. Wilcox
* University of South Carolina Press, Columbia, South Carolina 1992/1983
Marshall, Charles
* Lee's Aide-de-Camp - being the papers of Colonel Charles Marsell, sometime Aide-de-Camp, Military Secretary, and assistant Adjudant General on the staff of Robert E. Lee 1862-1865 - edited by Frederick Maurice
* Bison Books - University of Nebraska Press, Linciln and London 2000
McClellan, Major Henry B.
* I Rode with Jeb Stuart - the Life and Campaigns of Major General J.E.B. Stuart
* Da Capo Press, New York 1994
Montgomery, William Rhadamanthus
* Georgia Sharpshooter - the Civil War Diary and Letters of William Rhadamanthus Montgommery - edited by George Montgomery Jr
* Mercer University Press, Macon, Georgia 1997
Mosby, Colonel John S.
* Mosby's Memoirs
* J.S. Sanders & Company, Nashville 1995
Mosby, John S.
* Stuart's Cavalry in the Gettysburg Campaign
* Olde Soldier Books Inc., Maryland 1987
Mosgrove, George Dallas
* Kentucky Cavaliers in Dixie - the Reminiscences of a Confederate Cavalryman - edited by Bell Irvin Wiley
* McCowat-Mercer Press Inc., Jackson, Tennessee 1957
Neese, George M. Neese
* Three years in the Confederate Horse Artillery - by George M. Neese, a gunner in Chew's Battery, Stuart's Horse Artillery, Army of Northern Virginia
* Morningside, Dayton, Ohio 1988
Owen, WM. Miller
* In Camp and Battle with the Washington Artillery of New Orleans - a narritive of events during the late civil war from Bull Run to Appotomax and Spanish Fort - compiled by the Adjutant from his Diary and from Authentic Documents and Orders - by WM.Miller Owen, First Lieutenant and Adjutant, B.W.A.
* Butternut Press, Gaithersburg, Maryland na
Pemberton, John C.
* Compelled to Appear in Print - the Vicksburg Manuscript of General John C. Pemberton - edited by David M. Smith
* Ironclad Publishing, Cincinnati, Ohio 1999
Pender, William Dorsey
* The General to his Lady - the Civil War Letters of William Dorsey Pender to Fanny Pender - edited by William W. Hassler
* University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill 1965/1962
Pendleton, William Nelson
* Memoirs of William Nelson Pendleton, D.D. - by his daughter Susan P. Lee - Dr. Pendleton's address on the 'Personal Recollections of General Robert E. Lee' is appended to this edition
* Sprinkle Publications, Harrisonburg, Virginia 1991
Pickett, George E.
* Soldier of the South - General Pickett's war letters to his wife
* Books for Libraries Press, Freeport 1971
Pollard, Edward A.
* Southern History of the War
* Books for Libraries Press, New York 1969
Pope, Genral John
* The Military Memoirs of General John Pope - edited by Peter Cozzens and Robert I. Girardi
* The University of North Carolina Press, Capel Hill and London 1999
Ratchford, Major James Wylie
* Memoirs of a Confederate Staff Officer - from Bethel to Bentonville - by James Wylie Ratchford, Major, CSA - edited by Evelyn Ratchford Sieburg - Civil War Heritage Series, Volume XIII
* White Mane Books, Shippensburg, Pennsylvania 1998
Richardson, James D. (editor)
* The messages and papers of Jefferson Davis and the Confederacy, including Diplomatic Correspondance 1861-1865
* Chelsea House - Robert Hector, New York 1966
Seymour, William J.
* The Civil War Memoirs of Captain William J. Seymour - Reminicences of a Louisiana Tiger - edited by Terry L. Jones
* Louisiana State University Press, Baton Rouge and London 1991
Shoemaker, John J.
* Shoemaker's Battery - Stuart Horse Artillery, Pelham's Battalion, Army of Northern Virginia - afterwards commanded by Col. R.P. Chew
* Butternut Press, Gaithersburg, Maryland na
Sorrel, G. Moxley
* Recollections of a Confederate Staff Officer
* Press of Morningside Bookshop, Ohio 1978
Sprott, Samuel H.
* Cush - A Civil War Memoir - edited by Louis R. Smith & Andrew Quist
* Livingston Press - at the University of West Alabama, Alabama 1999
Stevens, Jno. W.
* Reminiscences of the Civil War - by Judge Jno. W. Stevens, a soldier in Hood's Texas Brigade, Army of Northern Virginia
* Derwent Books, Powhatan, Virginia 1982
Stiles, Robert
* Four Years under Marse Roberts - by Robert Stiles, Major of Artillery in the Army of Northern Virginia
* The Neale Publishing Company, New York & Wahington 1904
Taylor, Richard
* Destruction and Reconstruction - Personal Experiences of the Civil War
* Da Capo Press, New York 1995
Taylor, Walter H.
* Four Years with General Lee - by Walter H. Taylor, Adjutant-General, Army of Northern Virginia
* Indiana University Press, Bloomington 1962
Trout, Robert J. (editor)
* With Pen & Saber - J.E.B. Stuart's Staff Officers
* Stackpole Books, Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania 1995
Williams, Alpheus S.
* From the Cannon's Mouth - the Civil War letters of General Alpheus S. Williams - edited by Milo M. Quaife
* University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln and London 1995
Young, Bennett H.
* Confederate Wizards of the Saddle - Being Reminiscences and Observations of One Who Rode with Morgan
* Morningside Bookshop, Dayton, Ohio 1979