Great Britain
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Great Britain - Tactics - Napoleonic Wars

Barber, Captain
* Instructions for the Formation and Exercise of Volunteer Sharp-Shooters - by Captain Barber, Commanding the Duke of Cumberland's Corps of Sharp-Shooters
* T. Egerton, Military Library, London 1904
Brett-James, Anthony (editor)
* Life in Wellington's Army
* George Allen & Unwin Ltd., London 1972
Congreve, Sir William
* Details of the Rocket System
* R.A. Printing Press Ltd., na na
Fletcher, Ian
* Galloping at Everything - the British Cavalry in the Peninsular War and at Waterloo 1808-1815 - a Reappraisal
* Spellmount, Staplehurst 1999
Gates, David
* The British Light Infantry Arm c. 1790-1815 - its creation, training and operational role
* B.T. Batsford, London 1987
Glover, Michael
* Wellington as Military Commander
* Sphere Books, London 1973
Glover, Richard
* Peninsular Preparation - the Reform of the British Army 1795-1809
* Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1963
Griffith, Paddy (editor)
* Wellington Commander - Paddy Griffith, Michael Glover, John Terraine, David Howarth, John Keegan, Corelli Barnett, Graeme Rimer
* Anthony Bird Publications, London na
Hall, Christopher D.
* British Strategy in the Napoleonic War 1803-1815
* Manchester University Press, Manchester 1999/1992
Haythornthwaite, Philip J.
* The Armies of Wellington
* Arms and Armour Press, London 1994
MacDonald, John
* Instructions for the Conduct of Infantery on Actual Service being a Minute Methodical Detail of all the Duties of General-Officers, Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers, and Soldiers in Every Situation Incident to War with an Appendix containing a System of Regulations for the Interior Aeconomy [sic], Discipline, and Police of Infantry - with the Common Penal Code, and Mode of Appeal and Trial, issued in 1792, improved, and now in Force - and concluding with Directions, specifying the particular Attentions required on the part of General Officers, in conducting Reviews and Inspections, and in reporting the real State of Discipline of all Ranks, in the French Infantry and Cavalry Services - translated from the French with explanatory notes etc. etc. by John MacDonald
* The Nafiziger Collection, Pisgah, Ohio 1997
Military Mentor, The
* Being a Seriers of Letters recently written by a General Officer to his Son on his entering the Army
* Richard Phillips, London 1804
Rudyerd, C.W.
* Course of Artillery at the Royal Military Academy - establsihed by his Grace the Duke of Richmind, Master of his Majestys Ordnance etc
* Museum Restoration Service, Ottowa, Ontario 1970
Rules and .....
* Rules and Regulations for the Formations, Field-Exercise and Movements of His Majesty's Forces - Adjutant General's Office - by His Majesty's Command
* War Office, London 1804
Weller, Jac
* On Wellington - the Duke and his Art of War
* Greenhill Books & Stackpole Books, London & Pennsylvania 1998